Save the date - 22nd January 2026
As of 2024, the SACD Research Day is held biannually. The next SACD Research Day is planned for January 22, 2026.
Check all the up-to-date information, as well as abstract submission and registration, in our brand-new website dedicated to the SACD Research Day. Currently, you will find the program of the previous event in 2024.
Winners of the AMG prizes at the 3rd Research Day 2024
Preisträger*innen 2024
From 19 short presentations, the interdisciplinary scientific committee awarded eight prizes, generously sponsored by the Anna Mueller Grocholski foundation:
Study Protocols:
- Alisa Gschaidmeier: Effects and mechanisms of Sensory Afferent Electrostimulation (SAES) to improve Upper Limb Function in children with spastic Unilateral Cerebral Palsy: A Randomized Controlled Crossover Study
- Gaizka Goikoetxea Sotelo: Do technology-assisted therapies really provide more intensive practice than conventional therapies?
Preliminary Results:
- Johanna Linimayr: Siblings’ participation: Insights from a scoping review focusing on siblings of children with chronic conditions.
- Anja Vossenkaul: A Nationwide Survey on the Schooling, Quality of Life, and Psychosocial Functioning of Children and Adolescents with Classic Galactosemia.
Finalized Studies:
- Florian van Dellen: Device complexity and clinical environment influence how robot-assisted gait trainers are used: A mixed-method study on user competence.
- Petra Marsico: Feasibility, validity, and reliability of the Proprioception Measurement Tool (ProMeTo) for the assessment of lower limb proprioception in children with upper motor neuron lesions.
- Lena Bischoff: Pain in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy: Pain detection and its relevance on participation in Cerebral Palsy.
- Marina Pagliaro: Factor structure of the Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children (SDSC) in children with Cerebral Palsy.
Past winners of the AMG prizes
Preisträger*innen 2023
Am 26. Januar 2023 fand der zweite SACD Research Day mit mehr als 50 Teilnehmenden statt. Aus 27 Kurzpräsentationen kürte der interdisziplinäre wissenschaftlicher Ausschuss die Gewinner*innen. Sie erhielten einen von der Anna-Müller-Grocholski-Stiftung gesponserten Preis. Wir gratulieren herzlich!
Study Protocols:
- Judith Graser, Schulze Christina, Grunt Sebastian, Tscherter Anne, van Hedel Hubertus: Barriers and facilitators for participation in children with cerebral palsy, their siblings, and families in Switzerland.
- Maria Paraskevi Antoniou, Lora Fanda, Benjamin Backus, Pawel Matusz, Cristina Simon-Martinez: Neural correlates of motor control during reaching for objects at different depths in individuals with amblyopia.
- Anja Maria Vossenkaul, Tatiana Brémovà-Ertl, Matthias Gautschi, Regula Everts: The LOGA-Study: A Longitudinal Investigation of Cognitive, Psychosocial and Motor Functions in Association with Brain Connectivity and Metabolic Markers in Young Patients with Classic Galactosemia.
Preliminary Results:
- Gaizka Goikoetxea Sotelo, Hubertus van Hedel, Swiss Children’s Rehab: Validity and reliability of several intensity measures in children with neurological diagnoses during upper-limb robotic therapy.
- Matia Iva Vrankovic, Simon Annaheim, Jana Willibald, Jan Lieber, Hubertus J.A. van Hedel, Anna-Barbara Schlüer, René M. Rossi, Andreas Meyer-Heim: Assessment of compression forces in a digitally modified short leg cast for pressure injury risk monitoring in healthy children.
- Zamarron Sanchez Esther, Helle Tina, Van Hedel Hubertus: GAME NOT OVER - Usability of individually adapted devices for playing video games in youths with cerebral palsy: A pilot study.
Finalized Studies:
- Maret Xénia, Gehri Mario, Pellaton Rachel, Newman Christopher: Children with severe motor disabilities: Challenges and Improvements of the care in a pediatric emergency service.
- Nathalie De Beukelaer, Ines Vandekerckhove, Geert Molenberghs, Gunnar Naulaers, Anja Van Campenhout, Kaat Desloovere, Els Ortibus: Morphological muscle growth in infants and toddlers: a longitudinal study.
- Annette Bucher, Melanie Balmer, Karl Martin Sattelmayer, Roger Hilfiker, Cristina Simon-Martinez: Effectiveness of Virtual Reality to improve Balance in Children with Cerebral Palsy: a systematic review and meta-analysis with meta-regression.
Preisträger*innen 2022
Am 20. Januar 2022 fand der erste SACD Forschungstag mit mehr als 50 Teilnehmenden statt. Aus 27 Kurzpräsentationen kürte der interdisziplinäre wissenschaftlicher Ausschuss die Gewinner*innen. Sie erhielten einen von der Anna-Müller-Grocholski-Stiftung gesponserten Preis. Wir gratulieren herzlich!
Kategorie study protocol:
1. Graser Judith, Ammann-Reiffer C., van Hedel H.: The need for participatory research - the view of children with neuromotor disorders and their parents: A protocol of a mixed-methods design study.
2. Cristina Simon-Martinez, Backus B.,Dornbos B., Antoniou M., Kropp M., Thumann G., Bouthour W., Steffen H., Matusz P.: Serious games embedded in virtual reality as a visual rehabilitation tool for individuals with pediatric amblyopia: A protocol for a crossover randomized controlled trial.
3. Anja Maria Vossenkaul, Schönenberger-Loppacher D., Rössler J., Lüer S., Everts R.: Can Virtual Reality Immersion Reduce Anxiety, Stress and Pain in Pediatric Cancer Patients.
Kategorie preliminary results:
1. Visscher Rosa, Gwerder M., Viehweger H., Sangeux M., Taylor W., Brunner R., Singh N.: Does the evaluation of developmental trajectories in movement variability provide prognostic clues in motor adaptation?
2. Bischoff Lena, Hunziker S., Tscherter A., Künzle K.: Pain in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy: a population-based study.
3. van Dellen Florian, Aurich T., Labruyère R.: Steps towards personalized robot-assisted gait therapy: A cluster-analysis of individual kinematic reactions to guided pelvis movements.
Kategorie finalized studies:
1. Schirin Akhbari Ziegler, von Rhein M., Meichtry A., Wirz M., Hielkema T., Hadders-Algra M.: The Coping With and Caring for Infants with Special Needs intervention is associated with improved motor development in preterm infants.
2. Botross Angela, von Gunten M., Botros A., Tobler B., Nef T., Grunt S.: Action Observation Training [AOT] and accelerometry as new methods for therapy and measurement of upper limb function in infants with a unilateral brain lesion - a feasibility study.
3. Hunziker Sandra, Morosoli F., Zuercher K., Tscherter A., Grunt S.: Prescription Practices of Medical Cannabinoids in Children with Cerebral Palsy - A Survey of the Swiss Cerebral Palsy Registry.
Preisträger*innen 2019
Marsico Petra
Co-Autoren: van der Linden Marietta, Mercer Tom, van Hedel Hubertus J.A.
Somatosensory Function and Body awareness of children with neuromotor disorders, focusing on the lower limbs
Corinna N Gerber et al
Co-Autoren: Didier Gasser, Christopher Newman
Children with Cerebral Palsy have a weakened sense of ownership of their impaired hand.
Jan Dittli et al
Co-Autoren: Jan Lieber, Olivier Lambercy, Roger Gassert, Hubertus J.A. van Hedel, Andreas Meyer-Heim
Klinische Anwendung und Machbarkeit einer aufgaben-orientierten Handtherapie mit Unterstützung eines pädiatrischen Hand Exoskeletts (PEXO).
Fabian Marcel Rast et al
Co-Autor: Rob Labruyère
What do families really want? A systematic overview of pediatric rehabilitation goals.
Preisträger*innen 2018
Benzing Valentin et al
Co-Autoren: Spitzhüttl, Siegwart, Kiefer, Slavova, Grotzer, Steinlin, Leibundgut, Everts, Schmidt
Executive functions and motor abilities in pediatric cancer survivors - on the importance of motor coordination
Vivian Mauro et al
Co-Autor: Labruyère
Modifizierter Agility Run Test: Psychometrische Eigenschaften in Kindern mit neurologischen Gangstörungen
Preisträger*innen 2017
Tschirren Lea et al
Co-Autoren: Hanser, Bauer, Marsico, Van Hedel, Sellers (UK)
The Eating and Drinking Ability Classification System: Concurrent validity and reliability in children with cerebral palsy
Meier Sarina et al
Co-Autoren: Uenver, Stooss, Meyer-Heim
Implementierung und Evaluation eines Konzepts zum Umgang mit herausforderndem Verhalten und Aggression in der pädiatrischen Rehabilitation